Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy for Mexico Issue Date: June 28, 2019

Scope of Application

If you reside in Mexico, this Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) sets out what personal data we collect about you, how it is used, with whom it is shared, and what rights you may exercise in relation to your personal data.

This Privacy Policy governs our privacy practices for your use of (i) this website and any mobile site or applications operated by (the “User Interfaces”) and (ii) any combination of products and services from purchased or accessed through any User Interface (the “Services”), and all your personal data directly received or collected during the course of the business relationship. The registered office of is 8281 Greensboro Drive, Suite 100, Tysons, VA 22102 USA. Services are provided through authorized service providers (“Authorized Service Providers”). If you are a client of an Authorized Service Provider, your information will be treated by as data processor and your Authorized Service Provider will remain responsible for the processing of any of your personal data collected and compliance with any data protection and/or privacy law. You should refer to the privacy policy of your Authorized Service Provider for more information about the privacy practices of the Authorized Service Provider.

Collection and Use of Data

The Data You Provide

If you are an owner, agent, or employee of a current or potential Authorized Service Provider, you may provide us with your personal data when you register on, contact customer service or marketing, and trade with

If you are a potential or current client of an Authorized Service Provider, you may provide us with your personal data when you set up your account with and use the User Interfaces or Services.

We may use this information for our business operations, to communicate with you, by any means, or with your Authorized Service Provider (as appropriate), comply with the law, and to protect the security and integrity of the User Interfaces and Services.

Data We Collect and Process on Behalf of Authorized Service Providers

When using the User Interfaces, you may provide us with personal data such as your name, address, phone number, email address, location, or postal code.

When using our Services, you or your Authorized Service Provider may provide us with additional information (e.g., unit description, the size of your home or business, system sensor names configuration, equipment, or other devices monitored by, account information, scheduling, mode, automation settings, and device configuration) to help us customize the Services. may also receive personal data when you have provided it to our partners, including emergency contact information and user profile information, to enable to provide the Services.

On your behalf or on behalf of the Authorized Service Provider, may process information relating to your use of Services, including but not limited to: security activity or other device monitored by, electrical use or consumption, heating and cooling information, light or other installation settings, alert use and registration. We receive this type of information from your devices that are monitored by and your computer or other electronic device through which you may access, browse, download, receive, or otherwise use the User Interfaces and Services of (each a “Personal Device”), and we may also receive and collect such information from third parties. will process all personal data received from Authorized Service Providers through contractual agreements and may use aggregate statistics collected about the User Interfaces and Services to improve our Services.

Location-Based Information

Some features of our services, such as location-activated reminders, thermostat settings, vehicle diagnostics, and other location-based services (“Geo-Services”), use location information. Before Geo-Services information can be used, you must first opt to activate these services. If you activate these features, we will automatically collect and store location information from your designated Personal Device or vehicle capable of producing location data (e.g., mobile device, GPS device, or vehicle). This location information may include your current location or places you have visited recently. We may also anonymize this information, but it will only be used for’s internal purposes and to provide information requested by you. If you do not want us to collect and store this information, do not activate these features.

Video and Audio Data

When you (i) subscribe to’s supplementary video monitoring services (such as Visual Verification services), (ii) use a doorbell, camera, image sensor, or another connected device capable of recording video or audio (iii) or subscribe to bi-directional voice emergency services, you may allow us, our service providers, or your Central Station (as defined later), to record, store, view, and process video and/or audio recordings from your monitoring equipment. This may include capturing and sending you portions of these data as part of a notification or analyzing the data to identify movement or other events. We have the ability to process information from your monitoring equipment to be able to send you alerts. Moreover, if recording functionalities are activated, we will capture, process, and store video and audio data recordings from your device, which will be available to you. As used in this document, a “Central Station” is a third party selected by your Authorized Service Provider to receive alarm signals and coordinate emergency responses.

The privacy and data protection laws in your country may impose certain responsibilities on you regarding the use of security cameras, connected doorbells, and other recording-capable devices. You (not are responsible for ensuring that you comply with applicable laws in your country. For example, you might need to display a notice that notifies visitors to your home or business that they are being filmed by security cameras and other recording-capable devices. assumes no responsibility for your compliance with these laws.

Data We Collect Automatically

We use “cookies” and “web beacons” to help you navigate faster through the User Interfaces, to help us improve the functionalities of the User Interfaces, to collect information for advertising our Services, and to optimize your use of our User Interfaces. A cookie is a string of information sent by a User Interface and stored on your hard drive or temporarily in your Personal Device’s memory. A “web beacon” is an electronic image placed in the code of a website. Our third-party providers, subcontractors, or commercial partners may use cookies or web beacons to tailor’s advertising according to the interests of its users and target audience, monitor user traffic patterns from the website to other sites, or to improve site performance. We also use cookies to identify you on future visits to our site and others. When you access an User Interface, we place a cookie on your computer. This allows the User Interfaces to recognize you as you navigate through the User Interfaces. At the user’s discretion, may store and access cookies on your Personal Device to allow you to avoid re-entering certain information each time you access the website. You can also delete cookies from your web browser at any time.

We may collect personal data related to consumer trends and patterns, use cookies, and software tools to measure website usage and related information.

You may access, browse, download, receive, or in any other way use Services through your Personal Device. We may allow third parties to place and modify cookies on your Personal Device on our behalf. Third parties may use these “advertising tracking cookies” (also known as “third-party cookies”) to determine if you have visited certain pages on our website or other websites, and we may use advertising tracking cookies to present you with personalized ads when you visit other websites. You can set your browser to reject advertising tracking cookies.

If you access our Services or User Interfaces through your Personal Device, we may automatically collect certain information about your Personal Device, which may include usage and statistics information, an IP address, Personal Device type and model, web browser type, device identification number, domain names, number of hits, referral website addresses, Personal Device settings and history, and other information collected about your access to the User Interfaces or receipt of communications or notifications from Our website and mobile applications may use “Google Analytics.” Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google that helps us understand better how you use the website and mobile applications and how we can improve them. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit a website, the pages they visit, and other websites they visited prior to visiting our website. Google Analytics collects only the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit our website, not your name or other identifying information. We do not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with your Personal Information. Although Google Analytics places a permanent cookie in your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit the website, the cookie cannot be used by anyone but Google. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to our site is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy. Google uses the data collected from our site to track and examine the use of our website, to prepare reports on its activities, and share them with other Google services. Google may also use the data collected on our site to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. To better understand how Google may use the data it collects on Clients’ websites, please review “How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps.”

Processing of Personal Data

We will only collect or process your personal data when we have your consent to do so, except where such processing is within one of the exceptions to consent provided for in applicable legislation.

Where appropriate, we will understand that you have implicitly given your consent by continuing to use the User Interfaces and Services, without objecting to this privacy policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time, but this will not affect the legality of the processing of your personal data that took place before your withdrawal.

We will process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To protect you, protect us, or protect others from security threats by improving the security of our network and our information systems;
  • To identify and prevent fraud;
  • To comply with applicable legislation and regulatory standards;
  • To enable or manage our activities; for example, to invoice Authorized Service Providers and for the maintenance of the User Interfaces; and
  • To improve our User Interfaces and Services by allowing us to improve, modify, or customize them for your benefit.

Data Sharing will not disclose your Personal Information to any other entity, except when:

  • as necessary to provide you with the User Interfaces and Services of;
  • to your Authorized Service Provider (also referred to as Distributor), the company through which you subscribed to our Services;
  • the Central Station selected by your Authorized Service Provider to receive alarm signals and coordinate emergency response;
  • you have agreed to share the information;
  • to third-party providers, subcontractors, or business partners who work or perform services on our behalf and are only allowed to use the minimum amount of information necessary to provide the Services;
  • if you are a current user, to send you communications about additional products and Services that we believe may be of interest to you;
  • as necessary to fulfill other legitimate business purposes; and
  • when otherwise necessary to disclose it as required or permitted by law.

Furthermore, we may disclose and use your information when it has been converted into a form that cannot be used to identify you. It may also be necessary for us to disclose your personal information in the event of a merger or combination with, or acquisition of a portion of our business by, another company or entity, in which case the personal information collected by would be expected to be one of the business assets transferred.

International Data Transfers

Our servers and offices are located in the United States, so your personal data will be transferred to, stored, or processed in the United States.

Exercising Your Rights

Right to Access, Rectify, and Erase Personal Data

You can access, rectify, or erase certain personal data at any time through the links on to your profile and address list. These modifications will be made immediately in our records. If you do not wish to receive further communications from the Services, you can do so through the User Interfaces. As for the clients of an Authorized Service Provider, the modifications you make to your user profile on the User Interfaces of may not be automatically modified in the records of your Authorized Service Provider. Therefore, you should contact your Authorized Service Provider directly to make the modifications in their records.

By contacting your Authorized Service Provider, you can also exercise the following rights:

Deletion. You can request the deletion or suppression of all or some of your personal data (for example, if they are no longer necessary to provide the Services). Objection to, or Limitation or Restriction of, Data Use. You can request that the use of all or part of your personal data be stopped (for example, if there is no legal basis to continue using them) or limit their access (for example, if your personal data are inaccurate or are stored unlawfully).

Data Portability.

You can request a copy of your personal data in a machine-readable format.

If we have collected and processed your personal data with your consent, then you may withdraw your consent at any time, provided that this is possible under applicable legislation. The revocation of your consent will not affect the legality of any processing carried out before your revocation.

We do not carry out automated decision-making. As defined in current data protection regulations, automated decisions are defined as decisions about individuals based exclusively on the automated processing (without human intervention) of data, which produces legal effects or significantly affects the individuals involved.

You have the right to file a complaint with the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information, and Data Protection (‘INAI’) regarding any issue related to the processing of your personal data.

We respond to all requests we receive from individuals seeking to exercise any of their data protection rights, in accordance with applicable data protection regulations. We may ask you to verify your identity to help us respond efficiently to your request.

Retention Period

We retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes described herein, as well as to comply with our legal obligations. Additionally, we may retain information that does not personally identify you to comply with certain internal operations.

Information Protection has implemented security measures to protect your personal data against loss, misuse, or other alteration. For example, we protect your information through a unique username and password, and we protect certain sensitive communications on our website through server verification and secure connections.

Third-Party Websites

For your convenience, some hyperlinks may be posted on the website that link to other websites not under the control of is not responsible for, and this Privacy Policy does not apply to, the privacy practices of those sites or any company that does not own or control. does not endorse any of these websites or pages, the services or products described or offered on such sites or pages, or any of the content of those sites or pages. urges you to read the privacy policy of each website you visit. Furthermore, if you initiate a transaction on a website linked to the website, even if you access that site through the User Interfaces of, the information you submit to complete that transaction will be subject to the privacy practices of the operator of that linked website. You should read the privacy policies of that website to understand how personal information collected about you is used and protected.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may modify or update our Privacy Policy periodically, and we will post the revised version here, with the date of the revision. If we make significant changes to our Privacy Policy, we will provide a visible notification on our website before the changes take effect.

Contact Information

You can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at